ESE Direct官网 英国领先的独立制造商/供应商

  • 更新日期:2020-03-27
  • 查看次数:
  • 站点简介:Since 1975 ESE has been a leading independent UK manufacturer / supplier of an ever increasing range of industrial storage equipment, materials handling / works


ESE Direct官网 英国领先的独立制造商/供应商 第1张

Since 1975 ESE has been a leading independent UK manufacturer / supplier of an ever increasing range of industrial storage equipment, materials handling / workshop equipment, facilities / maintenance equipment, health & safety products, changing room furniture, lockers, cupboards and general business mail order products. We care deeply about the service we provide to you, we are an extremely ethical, customer focused, well financed and stable family business, so you can rest assured we will be here to service your needs for many years to come. Many of us have worked for ESE for more than 20 years, enabling us to provide you with un-rivalled continuity of service, from probably the most technically capable, friendly and dedicated team in our industry.

自1975年以来,ESE一直是英国领先的独立制造商/供应商,其产品范围不断扩大,包括工业存储设备,物料搬运/车间设备,设施/维护设备,健康与安全产品,更衣室家具,储物柜,橱柜和一般企业邮购 产品。 我们非常关心我们为您提供的服务,我们是一家非常道德,以客户为中心,资金充裕且稳定的家族企业,因此您可以放心,我们将在这里满足您多年的需求。 我们中的许多人已经为ESE工作了20多年,这使我们能够为您提供无与伦比的服务连续性,这可能是我们行业中技术能力最强,最友好且最敬业的团队。

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